Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Technical Difficulties

Sorry about the lack of pictures so far!  I am having major trouble with our "high speed" internet.  I am currently unable to even post upstairs in the room, let alone upload a picture.  I will try and get back downstairs tomorrow to get a few more uploaded.

After visiting the Colonel Washington monument, we drove (forever) through Pennsylvania and some storms to the Baptist Church of the Great Valley to learn about Chaplain David Jones.  

We headed out early to Ephrata Cloister.  God really blessed today, our tour guide here was a Christian.  Though those that lived in the Cloister were...interesting, this is where the man who walked 70 miles to petition George Washington for his enemy's life lived.  Our tour guide recommended a buffet for us to try on our way to Valley Forge.  It was the biggest buffet any of us had ever seen!  The boys ate their money's worth ... easily :)  It WAS good, and they enjoyed the little side stop, though it got us to Valley Forge a little later than we planned.

We drove through some awesome countryside back to Valley Forge, and then spent over 4 hours exploring the grounds and huts and headquarters there.  God blessed again with another Christian tour guide in Washington's headquarters who spoke with our group for a long time and even started giving away Dan's notes for our Thursday stop!  It was an amazing time with some great history.  

The kids have enjoyed a swim in the pool and are now headed up to get ready for bed and our long day tomorrow in Philadelphia!  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry for your technical difficulties! Enjoyed the picture from the first day.